Questions and Answers

MuniciPAY is being used by over half of the country and by over 2,000 towns and cities. Be the next municipality to experience the MuniciPAY difference. It’s a whole new way to run your town.

What is a Service/Convenience Fee?

Credit Card Association rules allow government and education entities to assess a Service/Convenience fee on transactions paid via credit card. The Card Associations require that this fee be processed as a separate transaction so the fee amount is clearly identified to the Cardholder. The fee amount must be disclosed to the Cardholder prior to completing the transaction and the option to decline the fee and use an alternate form of payment (cash or check) must be given.

Are there any processing fees to the Municipality?

No. All Service/Convenience Fees are paid by the individual consumer who chooses to use their credit card for payment. There are no set-up fees, monthly fees, or processing fees assessed to the municipality when a Service / Convenience Fee Program is utilized.

Is this a secure solution?

Yes! MuniciPAY is a certified Level II PA–DSS Service Provider. MuniciPAY meets all PA–DSS (Payment Application – Data Security Standards) guidelines. MuniciPAY’s secure gateway significantly reduces or eliminates the exposure to the municipality for the storage and/or transmission of cardholder data.

Who is eligible to participate in this program?

  • Local, state and federal courts of law that administer and process court fees, alimony and child support payments
  • Government entities that administer and process local, state and federal fines
  • Local, state and federal entities that engage in financial administration and taxation
  • Local Government Services – Auto (DMV), Property Taxes, Utilities, Parks & Recreation, Fish & Game, Court & Bond Fees, and more
  • State elementary and secondary schools for tuition, related fees and school-maintained room and board
  • State colleges and universities, professional schools, junior colleges for tuition, related fees and school-maintained room and board.

What cards can be accepted for payment?

Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover all allow a Service/Convenience fee for government and education entities.

What type of reporting is available?

MuniciPAY offers real-time, detailed reporting. Municipality’s are able to view reports separated by user, departments, payment items, and daily settlement reconciliation. MuniciPAY can also handle cash and check reporting options, and can be integrated with the municipality’s current accounting software.

How long does it take to receive funds?

Funds will be deposited into the municipality’s account(s) within 2 business days for all credit/debit card transactions and 3 business days for ACH transactions.

What is the advantage of using MuniciPAY?

  1. The municipality is completely insulated from Service/Convenience Fee collection. MuniciPAY handles the collection of the Service/Convenience Fee and automates the payment of municipality transactions.
  2. Capable of supporting separate deposit accounts based on sale items or multiple deposit accounts for individual departments.
  3. Increased, expedited cash flow. Funds are deposited directly to municipality’s account(s) on 2nd business day after transaction date.
  4. Detailed Transaction Reporting.
  5. Municipality is able to offer more payment options to their citizens.

How long does it take to implement MuniciPAY?

Depending on the individual needs of the municipality, the number of depository accounts, and complexity of their inventory list and/or fee schedule, this time frame may vary. MuniciPAY is committed to completing implementation as quickly as possible. Typical implementation takes 1–2 weeks.

Schedule a Demo

Our live, online demos will show you and your staff how MuniciPAY works and provide immediate responses to any questions you may have.


Software Integration

MuniciPAY offers hosted payment engine and full API integration options. Please call 877.590.5097 to discuss integration opportunities.
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